Index of Classes

Class Summary
Solar The Solar arch-class provides static methods needed throughout the framework environment.
Solar_Access Factory class for reading access privileges.
Solar_Access_Adapter Abstract adapter for reading access privileges.
Solar_Access_Adapter_File Class for reading access privileges from a text file.
Solar_Access_Adapter_None Class for denying all access to all users.
Solar_Access_Adapter_Open Class for allowing open access to all users.
Solar_Access_Adapter_Sql Class for reading access privileges from a database table.
Solar_App_Hello Absolute minimal "hello world" application for benchmarking.
Solar_Auth Factory class for authentication adapters.
Solar_Auth_Adapter Abstract authentication adapter.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Htpasswd Authenticate against a file generated by htpasswd.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Ini Authenticate against .ini style files.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Ldap Authenticate against an LDAP server.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Mail Authenticate against an IMAP or POP3 mail server.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_None Authenticate against nothing; defaults all authentication to "failed".
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Post Authenticate via simple HTTP POST request-and-reply.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Sql Authenticate against an SQL database table.
Solar_Auth_Adapter_Typekey Authentication adapter for TypeKey.
Solar_Base Abstract base class for all Solar objects.
Solar_Cache Factory class for cache adapters.
Solar_Cache_Adapter Abstract cache adapter.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_Apc APC cache controller.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_Eaccelerator eAccellerator cache controller.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_File File-based cache controller.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_Memcache Memcache cache controller.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_None The cache of no-cache.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_Session Stores cache entries to the current user session.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_Var Variable (in-memory) cache controller.
Solar_Cache_Adapter_Xcache Xcache cache controller.
Solar_Class Static support methods for class information.
Solar_Class_Map Creates an array of class-to-file mappings for a class hierarchy.
Solar_Class_Stack Stack for loading classes from user-defined hierarchies.
Solar_Cli_Help Solar "help" command.
Solar_Cli_LinkPublic Solar command to create symlinks to the public assets for a class hierarchy.
Solar_Cli_LinkVendor Solar command to create the links to the Vendor source directory.
Solar_Cli_MakeApp Solar command to make a page-controller app structure.
Solar_Cli_MakeCli Solar command to make a command-controller CLI structure.
Solar_Cli_MakeDocbook Generates package and API documentation files.
Solar_Cli_MakeDocs Generates package and API documentation files.
Solar_Cli_MakeModel Solar command to make a model class from an SQL table.
Solar_Cli_MakeTests Command to make a test class (or set of classes) from a given class.
Solar_Cli_MakeVendor Solar command to make a Vendor directory set with symlinks to the right places.
Solar_Cli_RunTests Command to run a Solar test series.
Solar_Cli_UnlinkVendor Solar command to remove the links to the Vendor source directory.
Solar_Config Static support methods for config information.
Solar_Controller_Command The CLI equivalent of a page-controller; a single command to be invoked from the command-line.
Solar_Controller_Console The CLI equivalent of a front-controller to find and invoke a command (technically a sub-command).
Solar_Controller_Front Front-controller class to find and invoke a page-controller.
Solar_Controller_Page Abstract page-controller class.
Solar_Csrf Class to detect cross-site request forgery attempts.
Solar_Debug_Timer Tracks code execution times.
Solar_Debug_Var Class to help examine and debug variables.
Solar_Dir Utility class for static directory methods.
Solar_Docs_Apiref Recursively parses a class directory for API reference documentation.
Solar_Docs_Phpdoc Parses a single PHPDoc comment block into summary, narrative, and technical portions.
Solar_Exception Generic exception class.
Solar_Factory Abstract factory class to standardize adapter construction and return.
Solar_File Utility class for static file methods.
Solar_Filter Handler for validating and sanitizing user input.
Solar_Filter_Abstract Abstract class for filters, both 'sanitize' and 'validate'.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeAlnum Sanitizes a value to a string with only alphanumeric characters.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeAlpha Sanitizes a value to a string with only alphabetic characters.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeBool Sanitizes a value to boolean true or false.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeFloat Sanitizes a value to a float.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeInt Sanitizes a value to an integer.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeIpv4 Sanitizes a value to an IPv4 address.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoDate Sanitizes a value to an ISO-8601 date.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoTime Sanitizes a value to an ISO-8601 time.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoTimestamp Sanitizes a value to an ISO-8601 timestamp.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeNumeric Sanitizes a value to a string with only numeric characters.
Solar_Filter_SanitizePregReplace Sanitizes a value to a string using preg_replace().
Solar_Filter_SanitizeStrReplace Sanitizes a value to a string using str_replace().
Solar_Filter_SanitizeString Forces a value to a string, no encoding or escaping.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeTrim Sanitizes a value to a string using trim().
Solar_Filter_SanitizeUpload Sanitizes a file-upload information array.
Solar_Filter_SanitizeWord Sanitizes a value to a string with only word characters.
Solar_Filter_ValidateAlnum Validates that the value is only letters (upper or lower case) and digits.
Solar_Filter_ValidateAlpha Validates that the value is letters only (upper or lower case).
Solar_Filter_ValidateBlank Validates that a value is blank (null, empty string, or string of only whitespace characters).
Solar_Filter_ValidateBool Validates that a value is a boolean representation.
Solar_Filter_ValidateCtype Validates that a value is of a certain ctype.
Solar_Filter_ValidateEmail Validates that a value is an email address.
Solar_Filter_ValidateEquals Validates that this value is equal to some other element in the filter chain (note that equality is not strict, so type does not matter).
Solar_Filter_ValidateFloat Validates that a value represents a float.
Solar_Filter_ValidateInKeys Validates that the value is a key in the list of allowed options.
Solar_Filter_ValidateInList Validates that a value is in a list of allowed values.
Solar_Filter_ValidateInt Validates that a value represents an integer.
Solar_Filter_ValidateIp Validates that a value is a legal IP address.
Solar_Filter_ValidateIpv4 Validates that a value is a legal IPv4 address.
Solar_Filter_ValidateIsoDate Validates that a value is an ISO 8601 date string.
Solar_Filter_ValidateIsoTime Validates that a value is an ISO 8601 time string.
Solar_Filter_ValidateIsoTimestamp Validates that a value is an ISO 8601 timestamp string.
Solar_Filter_ValidateLocaleCode Validates that a value is a locale code.
Solar_Filter_ValidateMax Validates that a value is less than than or equal to a maximum.
Solar_Filter_ValidateMaxLength Validates that a value is no longer than a certain length.
Solar_Filter_ValidateMimeType Validates that a value is formatted as a MIME type.
Solar_Filter_ValidateMin Validates that a value is greater than or equal to a minimum.
Solar_Filter_ValidateMinLength Validates that a value is at least a certain length.
Solar_Filter_ValidateNotBlank Validates that a value is not blank whitespace.
Solar_Filter_ValidateNotEquals Validates that this value is not equal to some other element in the filter chain (note that equality is not strict, so type does not matter).
Solar_Filter_ValidateNotInKeys Validates that a value is not a key in the list of allowed options.
Solar_Filter_ValidateNotInList Validates that a value is not in a list of disallowed values.
Solar_Filter_ValidateNotSame Validates that this value has a different value and/or type from some other value in the filter chain.
Solar_Filter_ValidateNotZero Validates that a value is not exactly zero.
Solar_Filter_ValidateNumeric Validates that a value is numeric (any number or number string).
Solar_Filter_ValidatePregMatch Validates that a value matches a regular expression.
Solar_Filter_ValidateRange Validates that a value is within a given range.
Solar_Filter_ValidateRangeLength Validates that a value's length is within a given range.
Solar_Filter_ValidateSame Validates that this value has the same value and type as some other element in the filter chain.
Solar_Filter_ValidateSepWords Validates that a value is composed of one or more words separated by a single separator-character.
Solar_Filter_ValidateSizeScope Validates that a value has only a certain number of digits and decimals.
Solar_Filter_ValidateString Validates that a value can be represented as a string.
Solar_Filter_ValidateUnique Validates that a value for the current data key is unique among all model records of its inheritance type; note that this validation will work only when the data source is a model record.
Solar_Filter_ValidateUpload Validates that a file was uploaded.
Solar_Filter_ValidateUri Validates that a value is a URI (or URL).
Solar_Filter_ValidateWord Validates that a value is composed only of word characters.
Solar_Form Form-processing class; also hints the view on how to present the form.
Solar_Form_Load_Model Class for loading form definitions from Solar_Sql_Model columns.
Solar_Getopt Retrieves and validates command-line options and parameter values.
Solar_Http_Request Factory to return an HTTP request adapter instance.
Solar_Http_Request_Adapter Abstract adapter to support various HTTP request backends.
Solar_Http_Request_Adapter_Curl Uses cURL for a standalone HTTP request.
Solar_Http_Request_Adapter_Stream Wraps an HTTP stream to act as a standalone HTTP request.
Solar_Http_Response Generic HTTP response object for sending headers, cookies, and content.
Solar_Inflect Applies inflections to words: singular, plural, camel, underscore, etc.
Solar_Json Class for wrapping JSON encoding/decoding functionality.
Solar_Json_Checker JSON validation class to determine syntactic correctness prior to decoding.
Solar_Locale Manages locale strings for all Solar classes.
Solar_Log Factory for a log adapter.
Solar_Log_Adapter Abstract log adapter class.
Solar_Log_Adapter_Echo Log adapter to echo messages directly.
Solar_Log_Adapter_File Log adapter for appending to a file.
Solar_Log_Adapter_Firephp Log adapter for Firephp/Firebug.
Solar_Log_Adapter_Multi Log adapter to save one event in multiple logs.
Solar_Log_Adapter_None Log adapter to ignore all messages.
Solar_Mail_Message Class to build an email message for sending through a transport.
Solar_Mail_Message_Part Represents one MIME part of a Solar_Mail_Message.
Solar_Mail_Transport Factory class for mail transport adapters.
Solar_Mail_Transport_Adapter Abstract mail-transport adapter.
Solar_Mail_Transport_Adapter_Echo Pseudo-transport that just prints the message headers and content.
Solar_Mail_Transport_Adapter_File Pseudo-transport that writes the message headers and content to a file.
Solar_Mail_Transport_Adapter_None Pseudo-transport that does nothing at all.
Solar_Mail_Transport_Adapter_Phpmail Mail-transport adapter using PHP's mail() function.
Solar_Mail_Transport_Adapter_Smtp Mail-transport adapter using an SMTP adapter connection.
Solar_Markdown Plugin-aware text-to-XHTML converter based on Markdown.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc Markdown engine rules for wiki markup.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_ClassPage Replaces class page links in source text with XHTML anchors.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_EmStrong Span plugin to insert emphasis and strong tags.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Link Span plugin for Markdown anchor shortcuts.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_List Block plugin to create ordered and unordered lists.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Literal Span plugin to change `text` to <literal>text</literal>.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_MethodSynopsis Block plugin to for method synopsis markup.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Paragraph Block plugin to form paragraphs of text with 2 newlines around it.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_ProgramListing Block plugin to change indented text to <programlisting>...</programlisting> blocks.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Screen Block plugin to change indented text to <screen>...</screen> blocks.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Section Block plugin to convert Markdown headers into DocBook sections.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Table Block class to form tables from Markdown syntax.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_Uri Span plugin to create anchors from inline URIs.
Solar_Markdown_Apidoc_VariableList Block class to form definition lists.
Solar_Markdown_Extra Solar port of Markdown-Extra by Michel Fortin.
Solar_Markdown_Extra_DefList Block class to form definition lists.
Solar_Markdown_Extra_EmStrong Span plugin to insert emphasis and strong tags.
Solar_Markdown_Extra_Header Block plugin to convert Markdown headers into XHTML headers.
Solar_Markdown_Extra_Table Block class to form tables from Markdown syntax.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin Abstract class for Markdown plugins.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_AmpsAngles Span class to convert ampersands and less-than angle brackets to their HTML entity equivalents.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_BlockQuote Block plugin to convert email-style blockquotes to <blockquote> tags.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Break Span plugin to add <br /> tags to each line ending with two or more spaces.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_CodeBlock Block plugin to changes indented text to <pre><code>...</code></pre> blocks.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_CodeSpan Span plugin to change `text` to <code>text</code>.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_EmStrong Span plugin to insert emphasis and strong tags.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Encode Span plugin to encode backslashed Markdown characters.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Header Block plugin to convert Markdown headers into XHTML headers.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_HorizRule Block plugin to add horizontal rule tags.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Html Block plugin to save literal blocks of HTML.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Image Span plugin to place image tags.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Link Span plugin for Markdown anchor shortcuts.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_List Block plugin to create ordered and unordered lists.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Paragraph Block plugin to form paragraphs of text with 2 newlines around it.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Prefilter Pre-filters source text in the preparation phase.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_StripLinkDefs Strips named-link definitions in the preparation phase.
Solar_Markdown_Plugin_Uri Span plugin to create anchors from inline URIs.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki Markdown engine rules for wiki markup.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki_ColorCodeBlock Block plugin to change indented text to <pre><code>...</code></pre> blocks, with code colorization.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki_Escape Span plugin to escape HTML remaining the span.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki_Filter Escapes all remaining HTML, and replaces HTML tokens.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki_Header Block plugin to convert wiki-fied headers into XHTML headers.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki_Link Replaces wiki and interwiki links in source text with XHTML anchors.
Solar_Markdown_Wiki_MethodSynopsis Block plugin to for method synopsis markup.
Solar_Mime MIME utility methods for mail messages and HTTP requests.
Solar_Path_Stack Stack for finding files in user-defined path hierarchies.
Solar_Php Lets you execute a Solar-based script in a separate PHP process, then get back its exit code, last line, and output.
Solar_Registry Registry for storing objects, with built-in lazy loading.
Solar_Request Class for gathering details about the request environment.
Solar_Role Class for reading user roles and groups.
Solar_Role_Adapter Abstract role adapter.
Solar_Role_Adapter_File Adapter to fetch roles from a Unix-style groups file.
Solar_Role_Adapter_Ldap Adapter to fetch roles from an LDAP server.
Solar_Role_Adapter_None Adapter to fetch roles from no source at all; always returns an empty array.
Solar_Role_Adapter_Sql Adapter to fetch roles from an SQL database table.
Solar_Service_Akismet Acts as an interface to the Akismet spam-checking service.
Solar_Session Class for working with the $_SESSION array, including read-once flashes.
Solar_Session_Handler Factory class for session save-handlers.
Solar_Session_Handler_Adapter Abstract class for session adapters.
Solar_Session_Handler_Adapter_Native Session adapter for native PHP sessions
Solar_Session_Handler_Adapter_Sql Session adapter for SQL based data store.
Solar_Smtp Factory class for SMTP connections.
Solar_Smtp_Adapter Abstract SMTP adapter.
Solar_Smtp_Adapter_CramMd5Auth SMTP adapter with "cram-md5" authentication at connection time.
Solar_Smtp_Adapter_LoginAuth SMTP adapter with "login" authentication at connection time.
Solar_Smtp_Adapter_NoAuth SMTP adapter with no authentication.
Solar_Smtp_Adapter_PlainAuth SMTP adapter with "plain" authentication at connection time.
Solar_Sql Factory class for SQL connections.
Solar_Sql_Adapter Abstract base class for specific RDBMS adapters.
Solar_Sql_Adapter_Mysql Class for MySQL behaviors.
Solar_Sql_Adapter_MysqlReplicated Uses a random slave server for SELECT queries, and a master server for all other queries.
Solar_Sql_Adapter_Oracle Class for Oracle (OCI) behaviors.
Solar_Sql_Adapter_Pgsql Class for connecting to PostgreSQL databases.
Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite Class for connecting to SQLite (version 3) databases.
Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite2 Class for connecting to SQLite (version 2) databases.
Solar_Sql_Model An SQL-centric Model class based on TableDataGateway, using Collection and Record objects for returns, with integrated caching of versioned result data.
Solar_Sql_Model_Cache Support class for models to work with with a Solar_Cache object.
Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog Acts as a central catalog for model instances; reduces the number of times you instantiate model classes.
Solar_Sql_Model_Collection Represents a collection of Solar_Sql_Model_Record objects.
Solar_Sql_Model_Metadata Retains metadata about a model table.
Solar_Sql_Model_Params A value-object to represent the various parameters for specifying a model fetch() call.
Solar_Sql_Model_Params_Eager A value-object to represent the various parameters available when eager- fetching related records in a model fetch() call.
Solar_Sql_Model_Params_Fetch A value-object to represent the various parameters for specifying a model fetch() call.
Solar_Sql_Model_Record Represents a single record returned from a Solar_Sql_Model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related Abstract class to represent the characteristics of a related model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_BelongsTo Represents the characteristics of a relationship where a native model "belongs to" a foreign model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_HasMany Represents the characteristics of a relationship where a native model "has many" of a foreign model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_HasManyThrough Represents the characteristics of a relationship where a native model "has many" of a foreign model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_HasOne Represents the characteristics of a relationship where a native model "has one" of a foreign model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_HasOneOrNull Represents the characteristics of a relationship where a native model "has one or none" of a foreign model; the difference from "has one" is is that when there is no related at the database, no placeholder record will be returned.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_ToMany Represents the characteristics of a "to-many" related model.
Solar_Sql_Model_Related_ToOne Represents the characteristics of a "to-one" related model.
Solar_Sql_Select Class for SQL select generation and results.
Solar_Struct Greatly simplified one-dimensional array object.
Solar_Struct_Iterator Support class to provide an iterator for Solar_Struct objects.
Solar_Struct_Xml A struct with some very minimal XML input/output functionality; attributes, namespaces, and prefixes are not supported.
Solar_Symlink Utility class to create symlinks.
Solar_Test A single unit test.
Solar_Test_Bench Class for benchmarking the speed of different methods.
Solar_Test_Suite Class for running suites of unit tests.
Solar_Uri Manipulates and generates URI strings.
Solar_Uri_Action Manipulates and generates action URI strings.
Solar_Uri_Public Manipulates generates public URI strings.
Solar_Uri_Rewrite Rewrites URI action paths, and creates URI paths from the rewrite rules.
Solar_User Meta-container for the current user to hold auth and roles.
Solar_View Provides a Template View pattern implementation for Solar.
Solar_View_Helper Abstract Solar_View_Helper class.
Solar_View_Helper_Action Helper for action anchors, with built-in text translation.
Solar_View_Helper_ActionHref Helper to build an escaped href or src attribute value for an action URI.
Solar_View_Helper_ActionImage Helper for action image anchors.
Solar_View_Helper_ActionUri Returns a URI object for the current action.
Solar_View_Helper_Anchor Helper for anchor href tags, with built-in text translation.
Solar_View_Helper_AnchorImage Helper for anchored images.
Solar_View_Helper_Attribs Plugin to convert an associative array to a string of tag attributes.
Solar_View_Helper_Base Helper for base tags.
Solar_View_Helper_Date Helper for a formatted date using » date() format codes.
Solar_View_Helper_Foot Helper to collect elements for the footer of the body and display them in the correct order; generally used only for scripts.
Solar_View_Helper_Form Helper for building CSS-based forms.
Solar_View_Helper_FormButton Helper for a 'button' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormCheckbox Helper for a 'checkbox' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormCsrf Helper for a hidden anti-CSRF element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormDate Helper for a 'date' pseudo-element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormElement Abstract helper for form elements.
Solar_View_Helper_FormFile Helper for a 'file' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormHidden Helper for a 'hidden' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormImage Helper for a 'image' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormInvalid Helper for building list of invalid messages for a form element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormLabel Helper for a <label> tag on a form element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormOptions Helper for standalone options.
Solar_View_Helper_FormPassword Helper for a 'password' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormRadio Helper for a set of radio button elements.
Solar_View_Helper_FormReset Helper for a 'reset' button.
Solar_View_Helper_FormSelect Helper for 'select' list of options.
Solar_View_Helper_FormStatic Helper for static-text pseudo-element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormSubmit Helper for a 'submit' button.
Solar_View_Helper_FormText Helper for a 'text' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormTextarea Helper for a 'textarea' element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormTime Helper for a 'time' pseudo-element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormTimestamp Helper for a 'timestamp' pseudo-element.
Solar_View_Helper_FormXhtml Helper for raw XHTML pseudo-element.
Solar_View_Helper_GetText Helper for locale strings, with escaping.
Solar_View_Helper_GetTextRaw Helper for locale strings (no escaping is applied).
Solar_View_Helper_Head Helper to collect <head> elements and display them in the correct order.
Solar_View_Helper_Href Helper to build an escaped href or src attribute value for a generic URI.
Solar_View_Helper_Image Helper to generate an <img ...
Solar_View_Helper_Link Helper for links.
Solar_View_Helper_LinkStylesheet Helper for <link rel="stylesheet" ...
Solar_View_Helper_Meta Helper for meta tags.
Solar_View_Helper_MetaHttp Helper for meta http-equiv tags.
Solar_View_Helper_MetaName Helper for meta name tags.
Solar_View_Helper_NamedAction Helper to build an anchor for a named action from the rewrite rules, using data interpolation, with built-in text translation.
Solar_View_Helper_NamedActionHref Helper to build an escaped href or src attribute value for a named action from the rewrite rules using data interpolation.
Solar_View_Helper_NamedActionUri Helper to build an Solar_Action_Uri for a named action from the rewrite rules using data interpolation.
Solar_View_Helper_Nl2p Converts 2 or more newlines to paragraph tags.
Solar_View_Helper_Number Helper for a formatted number.
Solar_View_Helper_Pager Helper to build a list of pager links.
Solar_View_Helper_PublicHref Helper for public hrefs.
Solar_View_Helper_Script Helper for <script> tags from a public Solar resource.
Solar_View_Helper_ScriptInline Helper for inline JavaScript blocks.
Solar_View_Helper_Style Helper for <style>...</style> tags.
Solar_View_Helper_Time Helper for a formatted time using » date() format codes.
Solar_View_Helper_Timestamp Helper for a formatted timestamp using » date() format codes.
Solar_View_Helper_Title Helper for title tags.
Solar_View_Helper_TypekeyLink Generates a anchor linking to the TypeKey login site.
Solar_Vt100 Staic methods to support text formatting on VT00 terminals.
