
Authentication adapter for TypeKey.

Requires that PHP have been compiled using "--enable-bcmath" or '--with-gmp'.

Based largely on PEAR Auth_Typekey proposal by Daiji Hirata, in particular the DSA signature verification methods. See the original code at » http://www.uva.ne.jp/Auth_TypeKey/Auth_TypeKey.phps.

Developed for, and then donated by, Mashery.com » http://mashery.com.

For more info on TypeKey, see ...


This class is part of the Solar_Auth package.


Configuration Keys

  • expire: Authentication lifetime in seconds; zero is forever. Default is 14400 (4 hours). If this value is greater than the non-zero PHP ini setting for session.cookie_lifetime, it will throw an exception.

  • idle: Maximum allowed idle time in seconds; zero is forever. Default is 1440 (24 minutes). If this value is greater than the the PHP ini setting for session.gc_maxlifetime, it will throw an exception.

  • allow: Whether or not to allow automatic login/logout at start() time. Default true.

  • cache: A Solar_Cache dependency for storing the TypeKey public key data.

  • source: The source for auth credentials, 'get' (via the for GET request vars) or 'post' (via the POST request vars). Default is 'post'.

  • source_handle: Username key in the credential array source, default 'handle'.

  • source_passwd: Password key in the credential array source, default 'passwd'.

  • source_redirect: Element key in the credential array source to indicate where to redirect on successful login or logout, default 'redirect'.

  • source_process: Element key in the credential array source to indicate how to process the request, default 'process'.

  • process_login: The source_process element value indicating a login request; default is the 'PROCESS_LOGIN' locale key value.

  • process_logout: The source_process element value indicating a logout request; default is the 'PROCESS_LOGOUT' locale key value.

  • login_callback: A callback to execute as part of the login process, whether or not login was successful.

  • logout_callback: A callback to execute as part of the logout process.

  • token: The TypeKey "site token" id against which authentication requests will be made.

  • window: The signature should have been generated within this many seconds of "now". Default is 10 seconds, to allow for long network latency periods.

  • cache_key: When using a cache, the entry key for the TypeKey public key data. Default 'typekey_pubkey'.



Public Properties

These are all the public properties in the Solar_Auth_Adapter_Typekey class.

You can also view the list of all public, protected, and private properties.


Whether or not to allow automatic login/logout at start() time.

Public Methods

These are all the public methods in the Solar_Auth_Adapter_Typekey class.

You can also view the list of all public, protected, and private methods.




Default destructor; does nothing other than provide a safe fallback for calls to parent::__destruct().


Magic get for pseudo-public properties as defined by Solar_Auth_Adapter::$_magic.


Magic set for pseudo-public properties as defined by Solar_Auth_Adapter::$_magic.


Convenience method for getting a dump the whole object, or one of its properties, or an external variable.


Retrieve the status text from the cache and then deletes it, making it act like a read-once session flash value.


Tells whether authentication processing is allowed.


Is the current page-load a login request?


Tells if the current page load appears to be the result of an attempt to log out.


Tells whether the current authentication is valid.


Looks up class-specific locale strings based on a key.


Processes login attempts and sets user credentials.


Processes logout attempts.


Resets any authentication data in the cache.


Starts authentication.


Updates idle and expire times, invalidating authentication if they are exceeded.
