Properties existing in the Solar_App_Hello
(string) The action being requested of (performed by) the controller.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(string) Default action.
(array) Tells which alternative output formats are supported by which actions.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
Array format is 'action' => array('format', 'format', 'format').
If an action is not listed, it will not respond to alternative formats.
Using a '*' as the action key means "all actions allow this format".
For example ...
$_action_format = array(
// multiple formats
'browse' => array('rss', 'atom')
// shorthand for just one format
'read' => 'atom',
// shorthand for all actions
'*' => 'xml'
(string) The character set to use when setting the Content-Type header.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(array) Collection point for configuration values.
Inherited from Solar_Base.
Note that you do not define config defaults in $_config directly.
protected $_config = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'dib',
Instead, define config defaults in a protected property named for the class, withan underscore prefix.
For exmple, a "Vendor_Class_Name" class would define the default config array in "$_Vendor_Class_Name". This convention lets child classes inherit parent config keys and values.
protected $_Vendor_Class_Name = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'dib',
(string) Use this output format for views.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
For example, say the action is "read". In the default case, the format is empty, so the _render() method will look for a view named "read.php". However, if the format is "xml", the _render() method will look for a view named "read.xml.php".
Has no effect on the layout script that _render() looks for.
(string) Which formats go with which layouts?
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
Empty/false/null means "no layout", boolean true means "the current or default layout", and a string means that particular layout.
The default is that XHTML formats use the current layout, and all other explicit formats get no layout.
(array) Maps format name keys to Content-Type values.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
When $this->_format matches one of the keys, the controller will set the matching Content-Type header automatically in the response object.
(Solar_Controller_Front) The front-controller object (if any) that invoked this page-controller.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(array) These helper classes will be added in the middle of the stack, between the Solar_View_Helper final fallbacks and the vendor+app specific helpers.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(array) Request parameters collected from the URI pathinfo.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(string) The name of the variable where content is placed in the layout.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
Default is 'layout_content'.
(string) Name of the form element that holds the process request value (such as 'Save', 'Next', 'Cancel', etc)
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
Default is 'process', as in $_POST['process'].
(string) Request parameters collected from the URI query string.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(Solar_Request) Request environment details: get, post, etc.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(Solar_Http_Response) The response object with headers and body.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(Solar_Session) Session data, including read-once flashes.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.
(Solar_View) The object used for rendering views and layouts.
Inherited from Solar_Controller_Page.