
Properties existing in the Solar_Controller_Page class.





(string) The action being requested of (performed by) the controller.


(string) The default controller action.


(array) Tells which alternative output formats are supported by which actions.

Array format is 'action' => array('format', 'format', 'format').

If an action is not listed, it will not respond to alternative formats.

Using a '*' as the action key means "all actions allow this format".

For example ...

$_action_format = array(
    // multiple formats
    'browse' => array('rss', 'atom')
    // shorthand for just one format
    'read'   => 'atom',
    // shorthand for all actions
    '*'      => 'xml'


(string) The character set to use when setting the Content-Type header.


(array) Collection point for configuration values.

Inherited from Solar_Base.

Note that you do not define config defaults in $_config directly.

protected $_config = array(
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => 'dib',

Instead, define config defaults in a protected property named for the class, withan underscore prefix.

For exmple, a "Vendor_Class_Name" class would define the default config array in "$_Vendor_Class_Name". This convention lets child classes inherit parent config keys and values.

protected $_Vendor_Class_Name = array(
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => 'dib',


(string) The short-name of this page-controller.


(array) An array of application error messages.


(string) Use this output format for views.

For example, say the action is "read". In the default case, the format is empty, so the _render() method will look for a view named "read.php". However, if the format is "xml", the _render() method will look for a view named "read.xml.php".

Has no effect on the layout script that _render() looks for.


(string) What is the default output format?


(string) Which formats go with which layouts?

Empty/false/null means "no layout", boolean true means "the current or default layout", and a string means that particular layout.

The default is that XHTML formats use the current layout, and all other explicit formats get no layout.


(array) Maps format name keys to Content-Type values.

When $this->_format matches one of the keys, the controller will set the matching Content-Type header automatically in the response object.


(Solar_Controller_Front) The front-controller object (if any) that invoked this page-controller.


(array) These helper classes will be added in the middle of the stack, between the Solar_View_Helper final fallbacks and the vendor+app specific helpers.


(array) Request parameters collected from the URI pathinfo.


(string) The name of the layout to be rendered.


(string) The default layout to use.


(string) The name of the variable where content is placed in the layout.

Default is 'layout_content'.


(string) Name of the form element that holds the process request value (such as 'Save', 'Next', 'Cancel', etc)

Default is 'process', as in $_POST['process'].


(string) Request parameters collected from the URI query string.


(Solar_Request) Request environment details: get, post, etc.


(Solar_Http_Response) The response object with headers and body.


(Solar_Uri_Rewrite) The rewrite rules object.


(Solar_Session) Session data, including read-once flashes.


(string) The name of the view to be rendered.


(string) The class used for view objects.


(Solar_View) The object used for rendering views and layouts.


