1.14. Set Locale Strings

1.14.1. About Locale Files and Methods

Solar comes with a built-in localization system based on PHP arrays, where the array key is an identifier, and the value is the replacement string. Every class in Solar has a Locale/ subdirectory; therein are translation files named for language and country. The default is en_US.php. The locale file is loaded on-demand.

Every class in Solar has a locale() method that translates a locale key to its replacement string. As with most other things in Solar, locale files are inherited, so if you ask for a locale key that exists only in a parent class, Solar will work up the inheritance chain until it finds that key.

Inside a view, you can use the getText() helper to get the locale strings for the application. (You can use the locale() method on other objects in the view to get their translation strings.)

1.14.2. Modify Locale File

To modify the locale strings for the blog application, open the Blog/Locale/en_US.php file.

$ vim Blog/Locale/en_US.php

Change the contents of the file to the following, and save it.

<?php return array(
    'ERR_NO_ID_SPECIFIED'    => 'No ID was specified',
    'ERR_NO_RECORDS'         => 'No records found.',
    'ERR_NO_SUCH_ITEM'       => 'That item does not exist.',
    'HEADING_ADD'            => 'Add New Article',
    'HEADING_DELETE'         => 'Delete This Article?',
    'HEADING_DRAFTS'         => 'Draft Articles',
    'HEADING_EDIT'           => 'Edit Article',
    'HEADING_INDEX'          => 'Published Articles',
    'TEXT_DELETED'           => 'Deleted the article.',
    'TITLE_ADD'              => 'Blog : Add New Article',
    'TITLE_DELETE'           => 'Blog : Delete Article',
    'TITLE_DRAFTS'           => 'Blog : Draft Articles',
    'TITLE_EDIT'             => 'Blog : Edit Article',
    'TITLE_INDEX'            => 'Blog : Published Articles',

Now when you go to the application, you should see the translated locale strings.
