Classes in the Solar_Filter
- Solar_Filter
Handler for validating and sanitizing user input.
- Solar_Filter_Abstract
Abstract class for filters, both 'sanitize' and 'validate'.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeAlnum
Sanitizes a value to a string with only alphanumeric characters.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeAlpha
Sanitizes a value to a string with only alphabetic characters.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeBool
Sanitizes a value to boolean true or false.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeFloat
Sanitizes a value to a float.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeInt
Sanitizes a value to an integer.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeIpv4
Sanitizes a value to an IPv4 address.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoDate
Sanitizes a value to an ISO-8601 date.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoTime
Sanitizes a value to an ISO-8601 time.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoTimestamp
Sanitizes a value to an ISO-8601 timestamp.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeNumeric
Sanitizes a value to a string with only numeric characters.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizePregReplace
Sanitizes a value to a string using preg_replace().
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeStrReplace
Sanitizes a value to a string using str_replace().
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeString
Forces a value to a string, no encoding or escaping.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeTrim
Sanitizes a value to a string using trim().
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeUpload
Sanitizes a file-upload information array.
- Solar_Filter_SanitizeWord
Sanitizes a value to a string with only word characters.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateAlnum
Validates that the value is only letters (upper or lower case) and digits.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateAlpha
Validates that the value is letters only (upper or lower case).
- Solar_Filter_ValidateBlank
Validates that a value is blank (null, empty string, or string of only whitespace characters).
- Solar_Filter_ValidateBool
Validates that a value is a boolean representation.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateCtype
Validates that a value is of a certain ctype.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateEmail
Validates that a value is an email address.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateEquals
Validates that this value is equal to some other element in the filter chain (note that equality is not strict, so type does not matter).
- Solar_Filter_ValidateFloat
Validates that a value represents a float.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateInKeys
Validates that the value is a key in the list of allowed options.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateInList
Validates that a value is in a list of allowed values.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateInt
Validates that a value represents an integer.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateIp
Validates that a value is a legal IP address.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateIpv4
Validates that a value is a legal IPv4 address.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateIsoDate
Validates that a value is an ISO 8601 date string.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateIsoTime
Validates that a value is an ISO 8601 time string.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateIsoTimestamp
Validates that a value is an ISO 8601 timestamp string.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateLocaleCode
Validates that a value is a locale code.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateMax
Validates that a value is less than than or equal to a maximum.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateMaxLength
Validates that a value is no longer than a certain length.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateMimeType
Validates that a value is formatted as a MIME type.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateMin
Validates that a value is greater than or equal to a minimum.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateMinLength
Validates that a value is at least a certain length.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNotBlank
Validates that a value is not blank whitespace.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNotEquals
Validates that this value is not equal to some other element in the filter chain (note that equality is not strict, so type does not matter).
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNotInKeys
Validates that a value is not a key in the list of allowed options.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNotInList
Validates that a value is not in a list of disallowed values.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNotSame
Validates that this value has a different value and/or type from some other value in the filter chain.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNotZero
Validates that a value is not exactly zero.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateNumeric
Validates that a value is numeric (any number or number string).
- Solar_Filter_ValidatePregMatch
Validates that a value matches a regular expression.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateRange
Validates that a value is within a given range.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateRangeLength
Validates that a value's length is within a given range.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateSame
Validates that this value has the same value and type as some other element in the filter chain.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateSepWords
Validates that a value is composed of one or more words separated by a single separator-character.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateSizeScope
Validates that a value has only a certain number of digits and decimals.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateString
Validates that a value can be represented as a string.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateUnique
Validates that a value for the current data key is unique among all model records of its inheritance type; note that this validation will work only when the data source is a model record.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateUpload
Validates that a file was uploaded.
- Solar_Filter_ValidateUri
Validates that a value is a URI (or URL).
- Solar_Filter_ValidateWord
Validates that a value is composed only of word characters.