
public bool Solar_View::assign ( mixed $spec , mixed $var = NULL )

Sets variables for the view.


  • (mixed) $spec: The assignment specification.

  • (mixed) $var: (Optional) If $spec is a string, assign this variable to the $spec name.


  • (bool) True on success, false on failure.


Sets variables for the view.

This method is overloaded; you can assign all the properties of an object, an associative array, or a single value by name.

You are not allowed to assign any variable with an underscore prefix.

In the following examples, the template will have two variables assigned to it; the variables will be known inside the template as "$this->var1" and "$this->var2".

$view = Solar::factory('Solar_View_Template');

// assign directly
$view->var1 = 'something';
$view->var2 = 'else';

// assign by associative array
$ary = array('var1' => 'something', 'var2' => 'else');

// assign by object
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->var1 = 'something';
$obj->var2 = 'else';

// assign by name and value
$view->assign('var1', 'something');
$view->assign('var2', 'else');
