
public void Solar_Uri_Rewrite::setRule ( string $key , mixed $val )

Sets one rewrite rule; adds it if it is not there, or changes it if it is.


  • (string) $key: A shorthand pattern, or a longhand rule name.

  • (mixed) $val: A shorthand rewrite string, or a longhand array of information.


  • (void)


Sets one rewrite rule; adds it if it is not there, or changes it if it is.

// shorthand form is 'pattern' and 'rewrite'.
$rewrite->setRule('blog/{:id}/edit', 'blog/edit/$1')

// longhand form is 'rule-name', and an array of information.
// this is what lets you generate named actions using getPath().
$rewrite->setRule('blog-edit', array(
    // the pattern to match
    'pattern' => 'blog/{:id}/edit',
    // rewrite to this
    'rewrite' => 'blog/edit/$1',
    // custom replacement tokens just for this rule
    'replace' => array(
        '{:id}' => '(\d*)
