
public mixed Solar_Path_Stack::findReal ( string $file )

Finds a file in the path stack using realpath().


  • (string) $file: The file to find using the directory stack.


  • (mixed) The absolute path to the file, or flase if not found using the stack.


Finds a file in the path stack using realpath().

While slower than Solar_Path_Stack::find(), this helps to protect against directory traversal attacks. It only works with absolute paths; relative paths will fail.

$stack = Solar::factory('Solar_Path_Stack');

$file = $stack->findReal('file.php');
// $file is now the first instance of 'file.php' found from the         
// directory stack, looking first in 'path/3/file.php', then            
// 'path/2/file.php', then finally 'path/1/file.php'.
// note that this will be the realpath() to the file from the
// filesystem root.
