
public string Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoTime::sanitizeIsoTimestamp ( mixed $value )

Forces the value to an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp using a space separator ("yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss") instead of a "T" separator.

Inherited from Solar_Filter_SanitizeIsoTimestamp.


  • (mixed) $value: The value to be sanitized. If an integer, it is used as a Unix timestamp; otherwise, converted to a Unix timestamp using » strtotime(). If an array, and it has all the keys for Y, m, d, h, i, s, then the array is converted into an ISO 8601 string before sanitizing.


  • (string) The sanitized value.


Forces the value to an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp using a space separator ("yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss") instead of a "T" separator.
