
All methods in the Solar_Cli_MakeModel class.





Destructor; closes STDOUT and STDERR file handles.


Convenience method for getting a dump the whole object, or one of its properties, or an external variable.


Public interface to execute the command.


Returns the help text for this command.


Returns an array of option flags and descriptions for this command.


Looks up class-specific locale strings based on a key.


Injects the console-controller object (if any) that invoked this command.



Builds and returns the default config for a class, including all configs inherited from its parents.


Creates the model "Locale/" directory.


Prints text to STDERR without a trailing newline.


Prints text to STDERR and appends a newline.


Convenience method for returning exceptions with localized text.


Write out a series of model, record, and collection classes for a model.


Makes one model/record/collection class for each table in the database using a class-name prefix.


Gets the option settings from the class hierarchy.


Gets the SQL connection parameters from the command line options.


Reads and retains the table metadata from the database.


Loads the template array from skeleton files.


Prints text to STDOUT without a trailing newline.


Prints text to STDOUT and appends a newline.


A hook that activates after _buildConfig() in the constructor.


Post-construction tasks to complete object construction.


Runs just after the main _exec() method.


A hook that activates before _buildConfig() in the constructor.


Runs just before the main _exec() method.


Sets the class this model will extend from.


Sets the $_inherit property based on the $_extends value.


Sets the table name; determines from the class name if no table name is given.


Sets the base directory target.


Post-construction setup logic.


Writes the collection class file.


Writes the model "Locale/en_US.php" file.


Writes the metadata class file.


Writes the model class file.


Writes the record class file.


