
static public void Solar::start ( mixed $config = NULL )

Starts Solar: loads configuration values and and sets up the environment.


  • (mixed) $config: The configuration source value.


  • (void)


Starts Solar: loads configuration values and and sets up the environment.

Note that this method is overloaded; you can pass in different value types for the $config parameter.

  • null|false -- This will not load any new configuration values; you will get only the default values defined in the Solar class.

  • string -- The string is treated as a path to a Solar.config.php file; the return value from that file will be used for Solar_Config::load().

  • array -- This will use the passed array for the Solar_Config::load() values.

  • object -- The passed object will be cast as an array, and those values will be used for Solar_Config::load().

Here are some examples of starting with alternative configuration parameters:

require_once 'Solar.php';

// don't load any config values at all

// point to a config file (which returns an array)

// use an array as the config source
$config = array(
    'Solar' => array(
        'ini_set' => array(
            'error_reporting' => E_ALL,

// use an object as the config source
$config = new StdClass;
$config->Solar = array(
    'ini_set' => array(
        'error_reporting' => E_ALL,

See Also
